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Choosing a Weight Loss Surgery Doctor

Posted on July 3, 2014 at 11:59 PM by Todd Eibes, MD

Weight Loss Surgery DoctorChoosing your weight loss surgery doctor is one of the most important decisions you can make in your journey to decide if surgery is right for you.

Here’s what you need to know:

How was the doctor trained to do weight loss surgery?

A weight loss surgery doctor’s medical degree, residency and internships are important. With whom did they train? At what hospital or weight loss center did the doctor train?

Dr. Todd Eibes received his medical degree from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, training with Dr. Ed Mason who is considered one of the founding fathers of Bariatric surgery.

How many weight loss surgeries has the doctor performed?

It’s important that your weight loss surgery doctor has extensive experience specifically in sleeve gastrectomy, acting as the primary surgeon and not simply assisting in surgery.

An accomplished doctor for over 20 years, Dr. Eibes began performing bariatric surgery in 2001. He has performed over 500 gastric bypasses, 650 Lap-Bands, and 500 Sleeve Gastrectomies.

Will the doctor be leading your follow up care? How long will the doctor and/or the surgical team remain in touch with you as a follow-up to your weight loss surgery?

In some practices, the weight loss doctor doesn’t personally do any of the follow up, including post surgery visits, discharge or surgery follow up.

At Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, we know your weight loss is a life-long process and your surgical team is committed to your ongoing care.

What is the average weight loss and the maintained weight loss in the practice?

The national average weight loss after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery is 60-70% of excess weight lost.

Dr. Eibes’ patients have consistently achieved that level of weight loss.

What is a reasonable complication rate?

Nationally, there is a 1-2% occurrence of major complications.

Dr. Eibe’s patients would fall into that range as well.

The process choosing a weight loss surgeon can seem daunting. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your doctor’s practice and experience, your life post-surgery, and anything else you’re concerned about. At Iowa Weight Loss Specialists we’re here to address your concerns every step along the way.

If you’re interested in learning more about:

  • Dr. Todd Eibes
  • Iowa Weight Loss Specialists
  • Our West Des Moines location
  • Our weekly informational class
  • Or would like to schedule a consultation

Please call 515-327-2000 or email us.

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