Posted on September 28, 2016 at 9:54 AM by Iowa Weight Loss Specialists
The best sign that your weight loss program is working is the way your clothes fit (or maybe don’t fit anymore). While there’s probably not a better sensation and confidence-booster than needing smaller clothes, it can get expensive and cause a dilemma when you’re losing a lot of weight over a shorter period of time, such as those that have weight loss surgery.
Everyone loses weight at different rates, but everyone will come to this “I need to buy new clothes” phase many times over.
Here are a few tips to consider when determining your new weight loss wardrobe:
- Don’t buy expensive clothes until you reach your goal weight and are at the point where you want to “maintain” rather than lose more weight. Consider second-hand, gently used stores or ones that have great markdowns so you’re not spending a ton. You’ll save a lot of money and you can find some hidden gems!
- Don’t overbuy clothes. It can be difficult not to get a lot of new clothes, but only get what you absolutely need until you reach the next size. Consider what you’ll need for work first, then get your other clothes for exercise, at home and any special occasions you may have in the near future.
- Clothes swap! Did you know Iowa Weight Loss Specialists does a clothes exchange every month at our support group meetings (two a month, one at each of our locations!) We do; and it’s a great way for patients to support each other since everyone is at a different place in their weight loss journey and has something they need and something to give.
- It’s okay for clothes to be baggy for a while. Resist the urge to go and buy new clothes as soon as they feel baggy. Wait until you know you can maintain that weight and not fluctuate back up.
- Don’t let it become an addiction. Many people replace one addiction with another. If food was an addiction for, find something else to focus on, such as a new hobby you’ve wanted to try, crafting or volunteering.
- Wait for sales. If you have a favorite store or need some staples, wait for those seasonal sales or annual sales to save some money.
Have fun with your new wardrobe and show off your confidence with your best accessory – your smile, exuding happiness at living a healthy life!