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A Gift of Health & Happiness

Posted on December 20, 2016 at 10:01 AM by Iowa Weight Loss Specialists


Danielle Bricker has struggled with weight loss most of her adult life. Like a large part of our population (and many of our patients), she tried everything. Weight Watchers, Atkins, personal trainers, Jenny Craig; anything to get and keep the weight off. Unfortunately, like all fad diets, they didn’t work. Frustrated and tired, Danielle knew she needed to make a bigger change.


In January 2017, Danielle will be turning 40. While most people don’t purchase birthday gifts for themselves, Danielle did. She gave herself many more birthdays by having bariatric surgery at Iowa Weight Loss Specialists. 


On November 14, 2016, Danielle had the gastric sleeve surgery.


As Danielle says, “Some people think this is an easy process, some even call it ‘taking the easy way out’. You tell me what is easy about YEARS of suffering? Years of being the fat girl that holds herself back because she’s scared of not fitting in the seat on an amusement park ride with her kids. Years of wondering if I will be the fattest mom on the sideline. Years of hoping no one would notice that I’m out of breath and sweating from climbing the steps of the bleachers.”


Danielle knows this isn’t going to be easy, which is important when making this decision. She had difficult conversations with her family members and they asked her questions, which she is grateful for since they are the ones who will help keep her accountable.


Danielle also knows she is not the only one going through these experiences, both pre- and post-surgery. She has started her own blog for people to follow her weight loss journey, to discuss her trials and tribulations, to keep her accountable and to show others they are not alone and that there are options.


Danielle’s goal is to lose 50 pounds by her 40th birthday on January 24. Just over a month after her surgery, she’s already lost over 40 pounds!


Happy (early) Birthday, Danielle and thank you for choosing Iowa Weight Loss Specialists to make a healthy change to live a longer, happier life! We wish you all the best!

Follow Danielle’s blog.

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