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Amy Peck

Starting Weight: 306 lbs.
Current Weight: 224 lbs.

Amy’s weight affected her confidence, but now she no longer feels down about her appearance. She said now that she’s lost the weight, she’s never going back.

What made you decide to come to our medical weight loss program? I have wanted to lose weight for a long time. I had tried pretty much every diet plan, pill, or fad that has come out with no success. When I heard about Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, I knew that this was the place that could help me change my life.

How long did it take for you to decide to be seen? Did anyone encourage or discourage your decision? I went in for a checkup with my family doctor and asked her for help with losing weight. She suggested IWLS and gave me a card with their info on it. I immediately went home and checked out the website and called to make an appointment. It did not take me long to decide, as I was at the heaviest I have ever weighed. Without the information from my family doctor, I’m not sure I would have ever heard of this wonderful place!

What kind of things are you able to do now that may have been difficult or impossible to do before your weight loss? I can easily exercise. Things I couldn’t do before like the elliptical, squats, weights, and jogging, I can now easily do. It was hard at first, getting in to a workout routine, but after going to the gym every day, my body became accustomed to exercising and it is now second nature to me.

Which conditions or diseases have you seen decrease or disappear since your weight loss? Before losing weight, I had really bad knee pain, and I would always use that as an excuse to not workout. Since exercising and moving regularly, my knee pain has completely gone away. I can easily move around without any pain. I used to be on medication for my thyroid. I had been on it for a few years and a couple months ago, I was finally able to stop taking it! My weight loss has improved so many things for me physically and mentally. It was just a big milestone moment for me to be able to stop taking that medication. 

Besides the external changes you have experienced, how has your weight loss altered your outlook on life, your emotions, and/or your relationships? My weight loss has definitely impacted my self-confidence. I no longer feel down about my appearance, and I even enjoy taking full-body pictures! It sounds like something small, but before losing weight I never wanted a full-body picture taken of me and it rarely ever happened. Since losing weight, I have taken several full-body pictures, and I look forward to taking more as I become more confident from losing more weight. Since my self-confidence has gone up, it has positively affected my outlook on life and relationships. I am not as insecure as I used to be, and I am happier about life and excited to lose more weight.

What would you say about your provider and their team? Every time I have an appointment, I meet with Alissa Kruger and Elsey Strube, and they are tremendous! They are both always very helpful with any questions that I have and have never made me feel like any question was stupid. They understand that this is all new for me and they are willing to help. They make me feel welcome there, and I was worried about that initially. However, since my first appointment, everyone I have come in to contact with is always so nice and welcoming. The entire staff makes me feel welcome and I am always greeted by name.

What would you tell someone who is considering making an appointment? I would tell them to make an appointment and go as soon as they can! They will be so happy with the results and will see them instantly. The staff helps keep you motivated and will give exercise and food tips which helps a lot! The place is truly life changing and now is the time to make that change!

Any additional information you would like to share? I just need to thank the staff. They are wonderful, and I am so grateful for them. I cannot believe that I have finally been able to lose weight that I have tried to lose for years. I was at my highest weight when I came to them, and I am never going back there. I feel like a new person with a more positive outlook on life, and I truly have them to thank. I can tell they care about their patients and strive to help them achieve their goals. THANK YOU for helping me achieve my goals this far

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