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Britney Brown

Surgery Date:  March 26, 2018 
Starting Weight:  280 lbs.
Current Weight:  153 lbs.

What made you decide to have weight loss surgery?   My kids, my health, and learning aerial fitness.

How long did it take for you to decide to have weight loss surgery?   About six months.

Did anyone either encourage or discourage you from having surgery?  I had a lot of skepticism regarding risks but no outright discouragement. My best friend was my biggest advocate.

What do you wish you'd known before the surgery?   That your brain won’t be having surgery, and you’re going to need to address some of the things that got you to a place of obesity or you will continue to struggle. Therapy is an incredible tool.

What things are you able to do now that may have been difficult or impossible before surgery?   Push-ups, pull-ups, running even though I hate it, stopping myself from eating whatever is in front of me, keeping up with my kids, wearing whatever I want.

Which conditions or diseases have you seen decrease or disappear since your surgery?   I was pretty lucky that my health was in a lot of “pre-stages" so no huge symptom changes.

How has surgery altered your outlook on life, your emotions, and/or relationships?   I am capable of absolutely anything. And that anything worth doing (or undoing) will take significant time.

Why did you decide to have surgery with Dr. Eibes?   I wanted to be in an office environment where weight is ALL they do. It helped with everything from knowing  different techniques to knowing how to manage insurance.

What would you say about Dr. Eibes and his team?   It was so nice having everyone and everything all in one place for all my appointments.

What would you tell someone who is considering weight loss surgery?   Quit talking yourself out of it. I wish I had started my journey sooner.

Is there any additional information you would like to share?   Weight loss surgery won’t make you lose weight. Not much anyway. I can still eat a LOT of calories, not exercise, and put absolute crap into my body. But it gives me a second to pause and think, “Is this the best choice?” Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s not. Also, you can absolutely still take your kids out for ice cream from time to time. :)

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