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Jeremy Butler

Surgery Date: November 2016
Starting Weight: 324 lbs.
Current Weight: 210 lbs.

After attending an informational session at Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, Jeremy felt that having a vertical sleeve gastrectomy was the right choice for him. Jeremy says: “My joint pain has disappeared and I no longer have acid reflux. I’ve even exceeded my weight loss goal!”

Before your surgery, what medical conditions were you suffering from? Before losing the weight, I suffered from severe knee and ankle pain. I also had acid reflux. I took medication for that and also ate Rolaids® like they were candy!

Since your vertical sleeve gastrectomy, in which conditions or diseases have you seen a change? The joint pain has disappeared and I no longer have acid reflux!

What made you decide to have a vertical sleeve gastrectomy? Before surgery I’d tried all of the fad diets. I would lose weight, but it would always come right back. My doctor and I had been discussing the option of surgery for over a year and after she saw an informational session given by Dr. Eibes, she recommended I attend one myself. I did a consultation and I immediately felt like this was the right choice. I felt very confident in the IWLS team and very comfortable with the decision.

Besides the external changes you have experienced, how has the surgery altered your outlook on life and your relationships? I’m able to be way more active with my daughter. I’m also a lot more confident with my work; people say I “stand taller”. This has translated into outstanding work success this year. I hit my annual new business goal in just three months!

What kinds of things are you able to do now that before the surgery were difficult or impossible? As a 6’4” man, I carried my excess weight pretty well but there are lots of little things I can do now that make a big difference in my life. For example, I don’t have to hold my breath when I tie my shoes. When running up a staircase I do two steps at a time like I used to do. I just completed some summer yard work and put out 40 bags of mulch easily in a day. When I was heavy that would have taken me two days!

What do you wish you’d known before the surgery? Nothing really. I felt totally prepared. One thing that helped in particular was the therapy sessions with Paige, one of the Clinical Social Workers. I believe this has helped me avoid any of the emotional issues that can come along with such a huge life change. I haven’t hit any plateaus, in fact, I’ve exceeded my weight loss goal!

What would you say about Dr. Eibes and the Iowa Weight Loss Specialists team? They are amazing! Top to bottom, end to end. They made me feel like family. I’d refer anyone to IWLS. What would you tell someone who was considering the surgery? Everyone has to make their own decision about how they are going to lose weight, but I’d definitely encourage them to at least check out Iowa Weight Loss Specialists!

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