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Tiffany Muszynski

Surgery Date:  June 7, 2021
Starting Weight:  275 lbs.
Current Weight:  175 lbs.

What made you decide to have weight loss surgery?  Years and years of the weight loss yo-yo. Trying all the fad diets that never worked long term. I had pretty much given up on losing weight until I met with Dr. Eibes. 

How long did it take for you to decide to have weight loss surgery?  8 years. I went to a weight loss clinic years ago but never made a commitment to move forward. 

Did anyone either encourage or discourage you from having surgery?  My husband was very supportive when I finally made the decision to pursue the gastric sleeve surgery. When we had initially looked at surgery as an option years ago, the clinic at the time was recommending the Lap Band. I don't think I would have been as successful with that option. He wasn't comfortable with it either. When I discussed with him Dr Eibes's recommendation and all the literature, he was completely on board and supportive. 

What do you wish you'd known before the surgery?  I was shocked at how much support I would have from family and friends. I had no idea how many cheerleaders I would have in my corner. I was so nervous that people would think I was taking the easy way out (and some do). I think IWLS did a great job preparing me for what to expect before I had the surgery. They gave me a big book and folder of all the "do's and don'ts". 

What things are you able to do now that may have been difficult or impossible before surgery?   I have so much energy I feel like I can just keep going all day. I've also started running again. It's a love/hate relationship. I always hate to start those first few minutes but by the end of my run I've planned out how to conquer the world. Some of my favorite things after surgery: Crossing my legs when sitting. The steering wheel doesn't rub against my stomach. I can walk into a store and find more than 1 pair of jeans in my size. My feet don't swell up after a long day at the office or on a long car ride. 

Which conditions or diseases have you seen decrease or disappear since your surgery?  I no longer use my CPAP. I am no longer on beta blockers or any medicines to help keep me from being diabetic. My joints do not constantly hurt when walking or sitting. I think the biggest decrease are my excuses.

How has surgery altered your outlook on life, your emotions, and/or relationships?  Totally! I've tried to be a glass half full kind of gal, but it always took a concerted effort. Now I wake up with such a more positive outlook. The surgery process really had me look at my life and make more positive-forward decisions. I'm such a happier person, always smiling and laughing. 

Why did you decide to have surgery with Dr. Eibes?   Another parent at our school had surgery done by Dr. Eibes and gave a great review. After reading the online reviews and testimonials, I knew he was the doctor I wanted to see. 

What would you say about Dr. Eibes and his team?  They are absolutely amazing. Any time I have a question or concern, they are so helpful. The doctors, counselors, and dieticians all really care about my journey. I cannot speak highly enough of the weekly Connections Zoom meeting with other patients. Sometimes you aren't sure if you want to ask a question (or how to ask the question) and someone else in the group is having the same issue. I don't have to feel embarrassed to say, "Is this just me??"

What would you tell someone who is considering weight loss surgery?   Go all in. Do it. Make the decision to enrich the rest of your life. You won't regret it. This was the best investment in myself! I only wish I had done this sooner! 

Is there any additional information you would like to share?   I had no idea how much more whole I would feel after having the surgery. I really had no idea how I would feel about myself afterwards. This process hasn't been 100% easy, but I think the (minor) struggles you face as you heal and lose the weight make this reward so much sweeter. 

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